Anyway this is a kind of weekly update thing I will TRY and keep it interesting.
Well this week has had a dampner put on it... my first week of doing this crap and I already have something to complain about. Apparently I signed up for a spam list, (great) every couple of months some prick takes it uppon himself to send me something, but they usually only send it once.
Sadly this current spammer (who I was subbed to about a year ago) has sent me several things over the last 6 months.
Usually spam bots cannot reply but this guy did, I got the usual bullshit "nothing I can do" yes there is! You can delete the list asshole. Oh well, on a plus side I got Metro 2033 on the pc this week going to test it out over the weekend also managed to get Uncharted 3 so can't wait for that.
I know these updates are ment to be WEEKLY, but then I also know that I can do what I like!
I do have a reason for writing though... Bethesda won the Fallout MMO legal dispute, I can't say I'm suprised but I am a little disturbed that Interplay won't own the rights to Fallout 1,2 and Tactics (you can imagine Bethesda said "you know what? you can keep POS" much to Chuckies' dispair."
I cannot say I wanted the Fallout MMO even though I signed up for beta testing. I gave those people my email adress 4-5 times because I wasn't getting any news and I get the projects cancellation news from a crappy Facebook page? Thanks Interplay...
Well I suppose that's it for today or "This week" as this was intended to be, in unrelated news I fixed the URL as I realised it was called "Thehangecmansgallows" I changed it to "thehangedmanatthegallows." Although it was a bitch to change all the links at LEAST they all work now.
Just wrote "I hate Mondays: Telemarketers" feels good to vent...
Had that dumb spammer from last week send me something stupid... I unfortunately, as much as I would like to give him a royal bollocking, I cannot because I'm "working" well... I am to be fair catching up on stuff since I got that big thing out of the way on Friday.
On a slightly positive note I got a funny moment on Steam on Friday night. Frostsaber (the clan den mother) messaged me about his friend "Redninja." Now I and Redninja didn't get along, I played 1 game of left 4 dead 2 with him and it ended with me and Frostsaber in the grey and a dead bot... He died but that isn't important.
Anyway this patient kindred soul was going to try his hand at "developer tools" (we are doomed....) Valve Hammer Editor is difficult to use the first time. It's not impossible but, it's not exactly simple as say the TimeSplitters map editor. Anywho Frost told me that Redninja had only just loaded up the program and that he hit a wall. Rather than consult Google, a tutorial or a forum about his problem he then ranted at Frost for a good hour about his problem. His problem being that he couldn't place anything... he couldn't even press the enter button. My favourite part about this was that he (in his kind tolerant way) referred to it as a "nigger screen." Me and Frost had a field day with his newly found screen I changed its name to the politically correct "African American screen" which made us laugh even more. We tried to "diagnose" the problem (take the piss out of him even more) I asked him...
"Does your African American screen look like this?

Redninja replied "God damn it, it's NOT funny..." Oh... I beg to differ child... I beg to differ.
Note: here is what I think Redninja's "African American screen" looked like.
Well that's this week in Hanged Manville we are now racist free!
Well that's this week in Hanged Manville we are now racist free!
Well SOPA hasn't even passed yet and I've been bitten in the ass... my Nuka Cola mod got taken down of as a result of it being raided...
I suppose MEGAUPLOAD being a file sharing site was illegal but once again they destroyed all the legal and creative things just for the sake of the illegal.
But hey I'm just glad that my mod is safe off the streets and that the American government are sorting real over seas problems like the pirates that raid cruise ships and kill people.
Well on a plus this week I did discover the New Vegas Ultimate edition trailer has been released, I'm going to be getting NV for my PC and I pray to Voltaire and Sheogorath every night that the instalation process of the DLC is nothing like that of Fallout 3 (my ass still hurts...)
I guess that's it for the end of this week I hope that I can find another site to host my mod perhaps I'll get a MOD L4D account... but I don't want to clutter their servers with my crappy reskins.
Felt like shit all weekend... I don't know why I got out of bed... I feel like crap, everything hurts and even talking is a lot of effort.
Updating the site isn't the worst thing I could be doing I suppose.
On the plus side I witnessed an armed robbery.. .well I was round the corner from it... whatever, apparently the guy had a machette! Although everyone was running around shouting bullshit... he got away and now I can go back to normal... back to my dismemberments... oh wait it's not tuesday.
Guess that's it for this week I wish I could write more but... I feel like crap.
Jesus... no update for 2 weeks? Just my luck to get ill twice... Second illness was just a cold, but man it was a bitch...
Not much has happened though; last night was kind of special 2 years ago today I met a stalwart young girl in a left 4 dead server. Then I told her 'I hate Twilight...' and she left in a huff... then Tiff showed up, the dangerous mute lunatic...
It's almost been a year since the group was formed; I think we have outlived most modern warfare clans bwahaha! I didn't know what to expect really, last time I joined a clan/community that had just kicked off I became the admin and it's executer in 6 months... I don't even think it lasted that long to be honest. I just looked to see how it was going on with such little activity and there it was... dead... I'm not only glad that the Corrupt has flourished in many ways but even with stuff like Blackflames happening we were able to stick together...
So here is to another year of carnage and chaos! (and Tuesdays)
Well not much else to say on me... I had that obnoxious spammer come back the other day blaming someone else for his crimes.
I got the chance to play Brink last Monday, to speak volumes about it's campaign's lifespan I could just say that I finnished it in 2 hours (the resistant one). I want to try it online but I know few people who own it which is kind of a shame. Brink is a pretty decent game considering I got it for £3.00 I'm not complaining.
Well another 2 weeks, something happened this time though...
I got a message from a "fan" I knew it was a fake because of 2 things
1. The message was called "I respect you" (No one respects me.)
2. I don't have fans...
Turns out it was Blackflames! I was wondering as to why he came back... was it because of my new site? The article on him? The fact that I remember his sad existence? Who knows...
This time though I odly enough didn't care, I tried being "polite" when talking to him and it pissed him off a great deal. It esspecially pissed him off when I told him how he is mentally ill (in a caring way...) He got pissed and blocked me... now usually 1/2 things happen after this
1. He unblocks me and acts like nothing happened
2. He closes his account and buggers off for a while.
What worries me? He has done neither... no contact for over a week and his account is still open, what is he planning? I wonder.
I haven't written anything on the site for a while, probably because I haven't played left 4 dead 2 in a long time online. (Well ok I did last night)
Playing with strangers is becoming a chore these days, the ammount of useless or obnoxious people is asstounding! Last time I got taught a lesson for trying to play coop with strangers, I got smokered to death and no one did fuck all about it...
Well that's it for 2 weeks hopefully I'll write the next update on a friday!
This week saw a number of updates to the Corrupt site such as the banner.
This week has been pretty uneventful, I started the Darkness II's coop mode it's ok I guess but I don't think it requires 2 players half of it was me and the other guy stealing each other's kills...
It got to the point where we put it on hard mode just to get some challenge, it helped a little but multiplayer was easier than single player by far with just 2 people if I had more we would have to take turns into who kills who! ;)
Other than that... I've had this project started called Soul Edge complete, I'm Soul Edging my weapons in L4D2! :D
so... that's it for one week.
Well another week another cap... or so I'm told...
Once again I'm fining myself unable to play games like Left 4 Dead 2 online, I tried RDR again and picked up some kid who... well...
Look I'm not against todays youth (god I felt my fingers brittle as I typed that) enjoying games online, but how come I can meet 100 adults without mics and the only person in 3 days with a mic doesn't even know who Johnny Cash is?
I idiotically added them as a friend so now they keep inviting me to chats and showing stupid meme images. Here is a word of wisdom for you: If I don't go to your stupid PSN chat the first time, repeatedly sending it isn't going to break me away from my game! Esspecially when you have nothing important to say or nothing important to show me and I think it's the same for the Steam chat feature.
I used to loathe playing L4D2 with bots, but now it's become a blessing of sorts sure they are retarded but they are at least TRYING to help... which is more than I can say with most players these days.
Well we're at journey's end... again... This week I've played l4d2 a few times but didn't finnish the campaign, shame really but I got through Moria ok even with the sadistic director.
Still working on "Project Soul" as I call it now... Done the frying pan and the axe hoping to do the machette when the frying pan becomes symetrical.
Well that's it for this week... hope something happens this weekend.
Some midweek madness folks!
I got Fallout: New Vegas for my pc (at last) Good bye laggy PS3, crippling bugs that cannot be fixed, unmoddable content and slideshow DLC!
I've already gotten into modding the game nothing big yet but I have something planned, the game is a lot more interesting on PC with modded content and the ability to fix anything that goes wrong. I've had a number of recomendations for harder difficulty mods but right now I can't be bothered wih them, they just sound like a pain in the ass to me and I prefer getting my playthroughs done sooner rather than later.
Wondering if I should spruce the site up abit... although I don't know how... maybe look at some other stuff for inspiration who knows.
Anywho that's it for now.
Well this weekend was a let down, I got Sims 3 and wasted £30 on the shittest sequal ever...
I also got Mass Effect 3 which is ok... but for an RPG with hundereds of possibilities I haven't had the dialogue wheel come up much... something like 6-7 times since I started the game.
It was the first aniversary of The Corrupt Regulators last night so the usual happened... nothing hehehe might do something eventually like organise a grim reaper party at the old folks home again.
That's it for my boring uneventful life this week goodbye
Well this is the nearing end of the week I guess... sorta well ok it's thursday so it's not far off!
Anywho I've devoted my attention to the Wasteland 2 kickstarter project over the last day or so. Basically Brian Fargo is finally making a sequal to Wasteland 2! It is going to be an old school isometric RPG game like Fallout 1/2, I am excited as this was Fallout's (spiritual) predesessor so this HAS to be good! Many of the elements are the same it will have simular factions such as The Guardians who are the ingame equivelant of the Brotherhood of Steel but these guys are hostile to everyone who isn't in their order on their mission to take all the worlds technology for themselves!
As much as I am excited for this game I often have to ask myself... will this be successful? I have high doubts that most Call of Dutards would even glance at this let alone play it and God forbid like it...
I already voiced my concerns on the forum so here is a quotation of what I said...
"I don't want to seem close minded as I said I WANT this game... but ask anyone in your school, work or the younger folks at the old folks home "Did you know they're making a Wasteland 2?" Answers will probably be...
"Is that like Call of Duty?"
"Looks like a shitty ripoff of Fallout"
"Oh is this a remake of an old 80's game?"
A top down view RPG sounds like fun to me but I'm almost certain that if this game was to be sold in stores it wouldn't do well outside it's target market. Many reviewers may pan it if they are closed minded...
I have no doubts though that this will be a good game... it's Brian Fargo for Christ sake!"
It is most likely, however, that the project will go underway as they got the $900,000 kickstart funds that they wanted!
You can still donate if you want to (I would you can either get the game cheaper OR get loads of awesome goodies) I would donate if I could but I don't have a credit card which is needed. :(
Well that's the end of this weeks shizzle look forward to I hate mondays!
OK so quite a lot happened this weekend... Blackflames came back again...
Remember a few weeks back when I said he had his account dormant? WELL IT'S ALIVE... or was alive... it's dead now...
He came back and slandered me again as usual saying...
"I have a secret for you. I'm not a human being. I am a prophet of god who was sent to earth to stop you from being sexist and violent. Women have the same rights we do you monster. As an immortal, I wish you well I love you Mantis" Well yes I agree! I AM a monster...
I call bullshit on a number of things, however, 1. Immortal? I would like to put that to the test... 2. Love? I've known you for a fucking year and everything you have ever said has been full of slander!
anway he starts doing the usual commenting on videos and blocking me like a coward so I cannot reply... however, I get him down off his high horse...
Despite the fact that I told her not to Sex1Sn1per messaged him, they had a suprisingly civil conversation then he blocked her... for no reason!
So I had her backing... then he got really angry and started ranting more accusations... and closed his account but then he came back with a new account shortly after with this message...
"I was wrong to say goodbye to you without fully explaining who I am and why I have been talking to you for so long.
Before I say goodbye to you for the last time, I owe you the truth.
I was created in a labratory over 1000 years ago. Scientists created me so they could perform experiments on me. One of these experiments was injecting me with immortality powers and the power of super intelect.
the reason why i am better than everyone else is because i am immortal and super smart.
you're the first person i have told this to. not even tim knows.
the reason I have tried so hard to take a stand against the media is because books, movies, games and music is designed to turn good people into sexists and violent bastards. thats why i feel so sorry for you. you were a nice man before the government made you the violence loving sexist you are today.
so now you know who i am. i am a clone who is immortal. please keep this between us.
I'll love you forever
I'll love you for always
and finally, goodbye my friend. you wont hear from me ever again.
I'll never forget you xxxxxxx"
The guys on the forum had a field day with this... and who can blame them? I might stick all his PM's into a book since I still have them all and sell it making a mint!
At least with that final message that I understand he wasn't a crazed loonie... he was infact something else... and idiot.
Nothing else to report! Ta ta kiddies!
Well end of the month and I have been gone for a while...
OK so after the whole Blackflames thing I got slightly obsessed... I admitted it to the board and I'll admit it to you now.
I wasn't obsessed with him personally, but I was obsessed with the idea that he is still at large... it annoys me that he has wasted so much of my time and he has just gotten away with it... Maybe he is gone forever... but we ALL doubt it...
This last week I found myself neglecting everything but I've used that time wiseley. When I handed in a flow diagram my subconscious was playing up or something because I was asked "who is Yorda?"
I recognised the name Yorda from the game ICO, it was one of the first games I ever played and I god damn loved it. Humourusly enough I had put in my flow diagram that the customer hands the car keys to Yorda. He was supposed to hand it to the "yard manager" no one else saw the humour of the situation but I sure as hell did.
That night I forgot all about Blackflames and all the annoying events of last week... and resorted to going on the old ICO sites and neo seeker forums. Then I came across this
I then pulled out my neglected HD collection and played the shit out of it!
I went back to my childhood and I shed a single tear (that's a BIG deal for me) when I saw the castle and the scene where the duo first meet.
I couldn't explain ICO if I tried your best bet is to go to and read up but if you cannot be assed I'll sum up the game as best I can.
ICO is a cursed boy who was born with horns growing out of the side of his head, because of this his village fears him and have him sent away to a castle. On his twelth birthday he is hauled away, not even his own parents try to stop it from happening. He is to be sacrificed in a stone coffin.
After the men leave the coffin breaks loose and collapses hurling ICO out of it. After dreaming of a suspended cage with a being inside it, he awakes to find that his dream of the cage is actually a reality. The being inside is a young spirit girl of sorts by the name of Yorda. She is suspended in a bird cage high up and the only way to free her is on the highest point of the tallest tower.
After freeing her, the two discover they are not alone as spirits come to claim the young girl back. It is then apparent that the two need each other.
If he dies, she dies.
If she dies, he dies.
This is truly an amazing game, I couldn't compare it to anythign else with a clear conscience because it is THAT good. The characters are unbelievably relatable, the environment is solid beauty and although this game is criminally short it is so God damn sweet!
Seriously if you are saving up for Modern Warfare 3? Spend the money on this instead! It is by far the greatest of all games for the Playstation system if not the greatest game I have ever played!
I don't ever find myself over/under rating games too often, this game is over 10 years old and I still consider it one of the best I have ever played if not THE best. I strongly fealt that this game was beyond it's time and it's a tragedy that the PS3 era did not start with any projects like this!
This is the greatest game that no one ever played...
Well that's it for this week come back next week ;)
Wow is it really a month since I last updated this? Well anywho I'm sorry I've just had a lot of stuff to take care of...
This week it's been the God Damn forum with an SQL error (2002 error if you are a smart arse)
pretty much explains it... the damn thing is being moved so me and the rest of the guys (and Noak) will have to do without for a while. It works for a bit every now and then.
Anywho I might as well say what's been going on, the group and I have been setting up our own Olympics (ooh busy).
It's harder than I thought but it's been fun so far, unlike the normal Olympics we are using several Steam games to compete (maybe some othe games too).
Before I got cut off again (son of a bitch) I would like to thank Sex1Sn1per for making threads for all the events saving me hours of pain and suffering and Jam to for coming up with even ideas!
Well I suppose that's it on the Olympic front, until the forum comes back up again. :)
Well it's been well over a month since my last update... no I'm not dead and I sure as hell am busy.
I had a number of things to sit for the past 2 weeks and had to prepare for them, so although I had a bit of time to myself I wanted to unwind and not write (you know how it is). After all the shit I had to go through I bought the Mass Effect Trilogy for my PC and played again from the beginning...
This was my character: Adrian Shepard
I got Mass Effect 2/3 for the PS3, but some genius at Sony thought... "gee gosh fellas durr I tink we onlee need parts 2/3 for teh PEESFREEE!" Well whoever said that was a fucking idiots... and not not because of how he butchered every word he said.
Because mass effect is basically a very bloody long game split into three parts... the decisions made in Mass Effect 1 effect games 2/3 starting on either of them (unless you are a PS3 user) is a bad/horrible idea...
In all honesty it's one of many reasons I wouldn't be devastated if my PS3 broke down... in honesty I have felt nothing, but more and more disappointment from it. Whether it's dum decisions regarding DLC or whole games, PS3 has always failed to deliver for me forcing me to find alternatives. If Mass Effect isn't a shining beacon of incompetence, allow me to share another story...
I got Fallout 3 around 3 months after it had come out and not long after discovered the DLC exists... what went wrong? Well it only existed on the Xbox and the PC it was not to be found on the PS3. I later heard it was coming to the PS3 and I got pretty bloody excited about it if I do say so myself. I even ticked off the days until the GOTY came out (I didn't have my PS3 connected to the internet at the time.)
When the GOTY came out I bought it, the first chance I got only to discover a horrible truth... the GOTY did not actually contain the DLC... just a slide show of what the DLC looks like. I was horrified, but was later expecting the DLC to be released. Then I realised THIS ISN'T A SLIDE SHOW! It's the game indescribably bad frame rate!
This game lagged more like Crysis on a play station 1! The DLC was unplayable even if I started again as a new character, it was the same story...
It was 2 years until I got this new PC and finally managed to get the facilities to create a game that can support all 5 pieces of dlc and mods ontop for shame... The PS3 is not a games console it is an over glorified door stop...
Connecting that little blighter to the internet was the stupidest thing I ever did, now all I get is "do you want to patch this game in the middle of a fight?" a lot. I won't lie the idea of online gaming appealed to me, the idea of working with my fellow man was something of a new revelation in gaming. Until I remembered that all human beings are massive wankers.
Playing online to me has no appeal, because most people I encounter during online games are unpleasant, not only that, but they are also needy and clingy if you add them to your friends list (and they are for whatever reason desperate to get onto my friends list). When I played a game of Red Dead redemption for the first time I had something like 10 invites from people I didn't even cross paths with! In all honesty though, the "friends" I've made on PSN aren't even people I want to know anyway, for example I raided a gang hideout in Red Dead and saved some random user's life from an army of banditos (with just my pistol because I'm boss) and he suddenly took it upon himself to follow me... I then realised that this guy was actually a child, who's microphone sounded like it was shoved up a donkey's ass... he then proceeded to follow me and eventually added me to his friends list. I hesitantly accepted, he then sent me hundreds of chat requests in the middle of a game. If I joined these chat requests I wouldn't be able to play my game, so what's the point of being on the PS3? I mean why go on a games console if you aren't planning on playing games. All he had to show me in the end was a picture of woody from toystory holding a dildo... I'm not even kidding.
He then removed me when I fractured my thumb on the "fuck off I'm playing an immersive role playing game I'll talk to you later!" Button...
Then there are the cannon fodder, people who just play the game they annoy me just as much. Seriously if you are spanish don't leave your mic on while having a domestic dispute either quit or turn your mic off... it's just good manners really above all else.
I could complain all day about the PS3, I rarely use it and online play has actually ruined console gaming for me... I don't even enjoy any games online with the exception of Red Dead Redemption, I will, however, suggest Soul Calibur 5 for those who want a nice community with good people in it. For a game which doesn't need any contact it has a great little chat room mode where you can fight people and I haven't had any fout mouthed racist/homophic abuse from anyone (yet) everyone congratulates you when you win or doesn't pout too much when they lose. For me it's perfect and I wish most gamers would take a few notes down from this games online community...
Until next time... whenever that is.
So here I am... again writing something so that someone out there in a few years time will stumble across this. Who knows what they will think? Let's see... what did I do this week? I got bored and played "Dear Estha" (Which I reviewed on the Corrupt Site) that's just distracted me all week... But if anything things have been kind of slow for me, I've been trying to get more involved with people again and that hasn't worked out. So I've decided to just go back to this I only really write on here when I get depressed and that thought in itself depresses me...
Well I guess I could talk about my voyage in the paper boat without a bottom, but I've talked enough about Esther and I haven't got much else to say about it. Well as far as this whole updating thing goes I'm hoping now that I'm back on the straight and narrow that I will be able to update regularly with something interesting... I hope...
So... after leaving the island behind me and setting sail in a paper boat without a bottom I thought I would roam the lands of Red Dead: Redemption for a bit... once again I am reminded as to why I don't play RDR online anymore... if not at all.
My problem was with the other players, one in particular kept sending me Posse invites to leach off of my score online. Because these were just a bunch of jerk off, horse killers. I politley declined... but they wouldn't take 'no' for an answer... So I sent a few messages eventually to the posse saying things like "I would rather eat my own Faecies than join your posse" it didn't disuade them, but neither would rejecting their invite.
I sent a few other messages such as "You again? Hey it's you life..." and "It's nothing personal... I just don't like you." This caused him to spam more invites and me to just keep denying them, I found this more funny than ignoing them, because he would sit there eternally wasting his time sending invites so I could effortlessly refuse them.
Anyway after a while I thought I'd pay him a visit, little did I know that two rival clans had gone to war with eachother and were fighting over... something. Because it is a non friendly fire serve people were getting killed left, right and bloody centre. I knew it was a one way trip and stocked up on dinomite, my horse got shot on the way in, however, that didn't discourage me I got back up and ran on in avoiding all sorts of projectiles since I only cared about BBQing this one guy.
I lobbed several sticks of dinomite and a few molotovs at him then stole his horse and ran off. The horse was weak, but if I could make it round the corner I was safe. I got shot a few times with a Cocarno rifle, but I kept it going and made it out of the warzone and laughed as they, in a futile attempt, threw crate fulls of dinomite at me in an attempt to blow me up... needless to say, they failed and I escaped. (or so I thought)
I then got a message asking me to join their posse after all they, put me through and once again I declined. I then got 3-4 votes to kick me so either way I was fucked and this guy was not getting his "Achievement" while I was still kicking. With a kickban looming over me I told him that he disgusts me on how he offers his hand and yet holds a dagger in the other and told him that if these are to be my final words on this server they better had be good. Then replied with a big "FUCK YOU" and laughed as I got kicked... he sent a message with "haha" followed by a stupid anime face... to which I told him how sad he is and how I'm suprised they let children buy this game in most countries.
He then told me that he "Only cares about one thing... Jackass" "And What's that?" I replied "Getting a life or losing your virginity? Either way you are failing at it..." He then told me he had no time for me, which I've been trying to establish that I have no time for him over the past hour. This if anything was a reminder as to why I don't play online, because of all these kinds of folks who are somewhat bothersome the events don't bother me it's the fact that I'm getting kicked for enjoying the game my way and not harming anybody. It's the idea that there are annoying horse killers and spammers who only get 1 vote to kick. Yet I get kicked for not accepting an invitation? In all honesty though I care less and less each time one of these things happens because online I travel alone anyway online as I got tired of the other players. They are only good at getting themselves killed or getting someone else killed and so I just say "fuck em" when I can.
Suppose that's it for this week, I guess I'll leave Y'all once again, however, I'll leave you with something nice...
Well another week, it seems.
I'm begining to enjoy doing this more than "I hate mondays" and I have something interesting to say today.
Hmm, let's see where to begin. Last night we had a new member of the Corrupt who took to inviting all the admins to their Steam friends list. It sadly didn't end well as he refused to reply to anything I sent to him. I got 4 words out of him and none of them were pleasant.
Infact he told me he was a woman at first...
Anyway he tried to trade me for my Ellis cap (seriously why do people want it so bloody much?) He then gave me a bunch of items that I didn't want, (because I don't play TF2). I then told him this fact, to which he cancelled the trade and demanded (yes that's right) DEMANDED, that I hand over ALL of my TF2 items. Seriously what does he take me for?
I asked 'why I should do that?' when I would sooner give them to Jam who bought me the fucking game in the first place or someone else I actually like. He then tried to con me out of all of them and told me that he would buy me any game I wanted if I gave him all my TF2 items. If I trusted the Cono I would have, but I don't... anyway he got irate when I offered him one Spiral knight crown! (Which is funny because I don't play that game either...) I know Shish has tried to do a simular offer, but I refuse. They are MY items I purchased games, stayed up late and did other shit to get them. The idea that I'm supposed to give them away for nothing annoys me. Personally I would say that most hard core TF2 players are selfish pricks. They aren't taking what they need, just what they want and they feel enclined to take anythign they want and they are entitled to it...
I had Blackflames come back, but that's not important he just said goodbye and I don't even care about him anymore... really I don't it's gotten to the point where him talking to me has gotten sad and not funny anymore. (Oh wait that point was 2 years ago...) I hope he is gone for good this time, because it should have ended before. I wasn't expecting him to return because he can only repeat himself now... so let him do it, I don't care he can try anything he likes, but to The Hanged Man he is nothing.
Thought I had more to talk about this week, I had to do a project workwise with someone. It took them most of last week to send me a graphic (which partly was my fault, because I don't check my work email every day) but still...
You know what annoys me about any colllege project? Not lack of skill or common sense, it is lack of communication. Look I know I'm a prick and I don't expect everyone I meet to want to make out with me. But I expect to get what I need, when I need it (preferably) I hate when people are difficult and keep things that I need to do the work from me, because they don't like the idea of talking...
We and I have been tasked to (with the help of some others) make a flash children's cartoon. I suggested we make it about a hedgehog who tries to cross a road... becaue you know that did well a few years back and hedgehogs are awesome.
Anywho the project is going to hell in a hand basket, no one knows what to do and they refuse to ask me. Don't know why exactly, but it's a pain in the ass... I said that "if they need help with Flash come and see me" I'm not an expert at flash, but still I manage. It's not too different from the G.E.C.K or Firewoks which I use daily. I'm still learning myself, but I'm looking up tutorials and trying to find out how to use it. They just sit around saying "it's too hard!"
I didn't know how to use the G.E.C.K, nor did I know how to make this site. But I did it... infact I did it twice and that's what annoys me about the impatience of some folks. We are supposed to have it done by thirsday, which I don't see happening... I maybe able to get my stuff done, I only have to code it now and then I'm done...
Well that's it for me...
I should leave you with something nice... but lets go for spooky instead :)
PS: I typed the link and got several options one of them was "interactive sex" HA!
Well, here it is another week. I find myself doing this instead of eating since illness has made eating a chore. More so than usual at least.
I can't help, but notice the heavyness that each footstep brings. Anywho enough moping from me! Oh and you didn't hear any of that from me... I got more done on the Creglympic front! Got the torch done amongst other things and I hope to get more done each and every day. I'm looking forward to this stuff in the future of course.
I had more to talk about though... but don't remember what.
Bugger it all I say!
You know, I'm in a depressed mood today, that's nto a bad thing for me... that's just one of two moods I feel and it always blows over. So untill then...
Hi I'm back!
I have some good news and some bad news... I'll start with the good news (since I'm such an optimist) is that this will be the last time I write here...
Bad news: I have created a second "blog" in order to write these pages!
OK so why the move? Good question hypothetical reader, well the first is organisation. I can keep it all in one place and not have to worry about linking and stuff unlike with this one page. Two: it will look tidier than what this looks like, not to mention that it was a pain in the ass whenever it changed the text to black so it was practically invisible.
Another thing was all the preperation I had to do in order to edit this page... basically it's a convenience thing. I have viewed a bunch of other "Blogs" too so I have an idea of what I want it to be.
So... I'll see you all, this coming fall, in the big rock candy mountains.
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